On May 20 I'll be presenting with Paolo at WhyMCA Mobile Developer Conference in Milano. Our presentation will start from Angry Birds, the all famous blockbuster mobile game, to introduce the concept of patterns in games, loosely following the ideas presented by Raph Koster in A theory of Fun for Game Design.
The abstract: 12 million paid downloads, 100 million downloads, 50 million Euros under the belly. Why has everyone with a smartphone played Angry Birds? Why is it so addictive? How is it different from games not designed for mobiles, and how is it equal to them? What are the patterns beyond a successful game? Do they hold only for mobile? Is finding them an art, or are they reproducible? Let's find out why the answers are hard wired in our brains.
Read all about it here.
Te lo Assicuro! il podcast dell’Ivass
3 days ago