Thursday, July 12, 2012

Physical computing: all around you

Another year, another WhyMCA conference. As always, the organization of the event was awsome, so first of all I'd like to thank Alfredo, Andrea, Paolo and Riccardo (strictly in alphabetical order) for all their effort: I'm sure that the great results have rewarded them well.

As neither Paolo nor I were slaughtered by angry birds or unhappy attendees after our last talk, we decided to risk our already ruined reputation and to give another speech on physical computing. For the lazy ones here are the slides we used:

All the details and the complete video of our talk can be found on the official page of the conference. Thanks to all the attendees for not falling asleep while we walked through the 146 slides (probably the excitement for the incoming mojito party gave a little help). By the way, the hotel staff were only expecting about 20 people, imagine them preparing 200 mojitos for overheated developers!

See you next year - and let everyone know that Alfredo Morresi is a friend of mine :-)