As Naked Objects does not (yet) support the Joda Time library, I'm using plain old
java.sql.Date to model dates in a prototype I'm working on. I'm not used to it anymore, and that's awful. As an example, let's suppose we have to create an entity with two
Date properties, say
creationDate and
dueDate: the former is asked to the
Clock class from the app library, and the latter is derived adding two working days to the former one. For the sake of simplicity, let's only consider adding two days, regardless of the fact that they are working days or not (you always can take it as an exercise).
Calendar cal = Clock.getTimeAsCalendar();
Date creationDate = new Date(cal.getTimeInMillis());
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
Date dueDate = new Date(cal.getTimeInMillis());
Now, with Joda Time I would just write
LocalDate creationDate = new LocalDate(Clock.getTime());
LocalDate dueDate = creationDate.plusDays(2);
Does it compare to the traditional
Date and
Calendar approach? I think it doesn't...Moreover, should Joda Time be supported, we could also ask for a factory method:
LocalDate creationDate = Clock.getLocalDate;