Today I partecipated in a discussion started by Dennis Morton who asked if anyone had succesfully adopted Scrum, XP or RUP on non-OO procedural based applications. A little rephrased, these are my thoughts.
Scrum is relatively easy. Implementing Scrum could not be that easy because you have to face several impediments: one of the biggest ones is that it clashes with the existing culture, but that does not depend on the particular language you use.
As Keith and Charlie pointed out, life is easier for OO programmers, as there's plenty of relatively inexpensive tools and technologies (if not inexpensive at all) that can help them: Junit, Cobertura, JMock, EasyMock, Hudson, CruiseControl, Eclipse, NetBeans, and so on and so forth in a sparse order, just to talk about Java.
I don't know of similar tools to be used in RPGLE ("inexpensive" and "IBM" cannot share the same sentence) but that might just be my ignorance, so it is up to the team to find a suitable solution (that could also be an expensive but affordable tool).
Anyway, I have to point out that Scrum is just (?) a very good set of techniques for project management, but it is not enough, as you must have in place the proper engineering practices to benefit from the advantages that Scrum offers.
It is useless to give a product owner the possibility to steer the project at every sprint planning meeting if a simple change requires tons of programming hours, as she always has to weight benefits against cost. You can be agile because you have test harnesses supporting your changes. You can be agile because you continuously refactor. You can be agile because all the team members own all the code. You can NOT be agile just because you use Scrum, as you're just exposing problems - problems that most of the times existed well before Scrum was implemented, so don't shoot the messenger. You also have to master the tools to resolve problems. And the first and most important tool is people, so I'm completely with Keith and Charlie who put them in the heart of the process.
We have to undergo a similar challenge as we'll embark on a very big project next year, almost completely based on IBM technologies. As we're starting from about 650 pages of detailed requirements, aged about one year, a remote customer, a distributed team with several new members (not to mention the rest), we'll surely have to cope with changing requirements (no, not the band in which Craig Larman plays in his free time) and lots of other variables and issues.
It is likely we'll have some answers within the next few months; up to now, as it is well understood that we'll have an application layer exposing services, the only thing that I could think of is the use JMeter as an acceptance testing tool. As always, inspect and adapt, rinse and repeat :-)
We're open to suggestions!
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